
Trade federation droid control ship
Trade federation droid control ship

trade federation droid control ship

With the help of a Jedi force, the Federation left the moon.Īfter procuring the necessary resources on a number of planets, including Alaris Prime, Esseles, and Eos Sidious had approached Gunray and commanded him to use his cheap-and-dangerous army on the prosperous, distant and naïve planet of Naboo, who would fall to the Federation's will without the unsuspecting Republic's immediate aide or sympathy. Unaware of the Trade Federation's presence, the Wookiees legally brought colonists to Alaris Prime under the leadership of Attichitcuk, his son Chewbacca, and their friend Shoran. When Alaris Prime was discovered, a droid army under the leadership of Nute Gunray settled on the forest moon to begin stripping its resources and establish a base in the strategically located system, struggling against the moon's native Gundarks. He proceeded to fill up the vacancies with his Neimoidian puppets (some of whom later comprised the Occupation Council that took control of Theed City after the Naboo invasion). Neimoidians were very influential in the leadership of the Directorate, though the Federation only became a Neimoidian monopoly in 33 BBY, when six other members of the Trade Federation Directorate were murdered, leaving only Viceroy Nute Gunray. It was originally controlled by a directorate, which was led by a commanding Viceroy. It made deals with Baktoid Armor Workshop and the Xi Char in order to form its own private military to accomplish their Sith-influenced aims.

trade federation droid control ship trade federation droid control ship

The Trade Federation became a shipping corporation and cartel. In 350 BBY the Trade Federation was founded in the Colonies by many species, including Neimoidians. Toward the end of the Republic, it would become increasingly dominated by the commerce-savvy Neimoidians. It grew to dominate entire star systems and all major trade routes, and possessed a formidable private military. The Trade Federation was a very powerful Republic commerce guild, trade cartel, megacorporation, and lobbying group that was founded in 350 BBY as an association of business and trade groups with its own commercial trade fleet. Trade Federation Logo " Supreme Chancellor, delegates of the Senate, a tragedy has occurred, which started right here with the taxation of trade routes, and has now engulfed our entire planet in the oppression of the Trade Federation!" ― Senator Palpatine

Trade federation droid control ship